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Auto Travel (Mileage)   Supplies & Expenses  
Between Jobs or Job Locations   Advertising  
Client Meetings   Bank Charges  
Continuing Education   Bookkeeping  
Job Search   Business Meals (Enter 100% of expense)  
Out of Town Business Trips   Business Cards & Printing  
Purchasing Job Supplies & Materials   Clerical Services & Software  
Professional Society Meetings   Computer Service & Supplies  
Parking Fees & Tolls ($)   Entertainment (50% deductible)  
Other:___________________________   Data Base and Sales lead Lists  
Travel – Out Of Town   Equipment Repair  
Airfare   FAX Supplies  
Car Rental   On-Line Service Charges  
Parking & Tolls   Gifts & Greeting Cards  
Taxi   Legal & Professional Services  
Train   Office Expenses  
Bus & Subway   Photocopy Expense  
Lodging (do not include meals)   Postage  
Meals (do not combine with lodging)   Rent  
Porter, Bell Captain   Shipping  
Laundry   Trade Publication & Map Book  
Telephone   Other:______________________________  
Other:___________________________   Telephone Expenses  
Educational Costs   Cellular Phone Charges  
Correspondence Course Fees   Fax Transmissions  
Course Registration   Paging Service  
Materials & Supplies   Pay Phone  
Photocopy Expense   Toll Calls  
Reference Material   Other:______________________________  
Textbooks & Seminar Costs   Professional Fees & Dues  
Motivational Tapes   Association Dues  
Other:___________________________   License  
Equipment Purchases   Union Dues  
Answering Machine   Other:_____________________________  
Calculator   Miscellaneous Expenses  
FAX Machine   Liability Insurance – Business  
Pager & Telephone   Books & Magazine Subscriptions  
Computers & Printer   Professional Subscriptions  
Other:___________________________   Resume`
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